Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy HOWLloween

Happy Halloween everyone!! Have lots of fun but be safe! :-) This year my costume is a ballerina (from black swan). I enjoy dressing up but what I enjoy most is seeing everyone else's creative costumes! I also love carving pumpkins and roasting the pumpkin seeds! I carved an owl this year.

Anyway, Not only is today Halloween but It is also TWO WEEKS from today that I depart on my adventure!!! It still has not hit me that this will really happen. I still have a lot of packing to do and some shopping, which is never a bad thing of course. I need lots of winter clothes because in southern California there is really no such thing as "winter". It's either hot or kind of cold and I'm ready for a change!

Time to go pass out some candy!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Three weeks left

In just about three weeks my world is about to be turned upside down and inside out!! I will be leaving sunny southern California to set out on a new adventure in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. I am beyond excited!! I am ecstatic!!! :-) All day long, I'm constantly visualizing myself walking down the Charles Bridge all bundled up in my winter clothes, going for runs at Petrin Hill and sitting along the Vltava river, admiring the scenery. The last time I was in Prague was summer of 09 (3 years ago) but I still remember it as if it were yesterday.

Here's a Czech list of things I wish to accomplish (basically my Bucket list):

 • Become fluent in the Czech Language

• Be able to read, write, and speak with ease.

• Pass the course with flying colors.

 • Get a Job!

 • Spend time with family.

• Create and keep up with a travel blog.

 • Make new friends every day.

 • Go to Catholic mass at St. Vitus Cathedral.

• Take a trip to the beer spa at the Chodovar Brewery.

• Enjoy a beer bath and massage.

 • Become a local.

• Attend the beer festival in Prague (May).

• Run the Prague half Marathon in April.

 I know this list will get much longer but I think this is a good start for now!